Is there such a word as 'tractless' and what does it mean?

I recall hearing the phrase 'tractless wilderness' but no dictionaries has 'tractless'. Up until now, I believed the meaning to be 'expansive'.

There is a possibility that I'm confusing it with 'trackless', but I don't see how this would convey the same meaning as 'trackless' simply means without tracks.

This is an eggcorn for the much more common idiom trackless wilderness.

Like all the best eggcorns, though, it’s a very plausible reinterpretation, as Martin Beckett’s answer describes, since tracts can mean divisions of land, esp. into properties, which (like tracks) are something a wilderness would typically lack.

The reinterpretation seems to have arise quite often, as Google Books and ngrams show, going back at least to the early eighteenth century; for instance:

The difficulty of placing these correctly in a tractless wilderness, which has never been accurately measured, will at once plead both his excuse and mine.

from an 1811 bible commentary mapping the travels of the Israelites.

Though 'tractless' could theoretically be a word, I am sure the phrase is 'trackless wilderness', meaning somewhere so wild there aren't even any paths.