How do I prevent iTunes from syncing down Voice Memos from my iPhone?

Currently, there doesn't seem to be a way to prevent iTunes from pulling in the voice memos. The closest I've been able to figure would be to have a script or launchd item that simply removes anything that it sees. Preferable copying them to another directory for storage.

Update: October, 2017

I've switched to using Just Press Record which is dedicated to voice memos. It's fast to start and also creates transcripts. They're pretty good most of the time, but sometimes they get pretty far off. It's a nice feature, regardless.

The app costs a few bucks, but it's well worth it. (And, I like to support developers so they can keep working on software I like.)

It's not that weird. It does it for me too on 4 different Macs in my home. The Apple Support Discussion site contains statements by many others experiencing the same thing. I don't know if it's a bug in iTunes, the voice memo app, or what. Just be careful. If your sharing your music library on a network you're also sharing those voice memos with everyone on the network since they're in your music library.

Wish Apple would create a separate category for Voice Memos in iTunes and get them out of the music library. And they need to fix this syncing issue. I've written feedback submissions about this. I encourage others to do the same.

I figured out: You have to MARK "include music videos" and not mark "Include voice memos". It´s strange, since what I wanted had nothing to do with music videos. If you not mark "include music videos" it doesn't work.