why do i get "Must translate autoresizing mask into constraints to have _setHostsLayoutEngine:YES" in xcode 6 beta

Solution 1:

Not sure how much this helps, but I see the same error if I try to place a cell directly in a UIView rather than in a table. This worked fine with Xcode 5 so I suspect it is a bug with XCode6/ios8. In the mean time, debug into that method and look at your tableView. Make sure it actually has an instance of the cell you are trying to retrieve.

Update: Filed a bug report with Apple and I can confirm that this is an ios8 issue. Unfortunately it is still there as of beta-5, hopefully they will have it fixed before the final release.

Solution 2:

This is NOT a bug, you simply cannot use a UIView as cell for table view, you must make sure the top level view in the nib file is a UITableViewCell.