Case sensitive and insensitive like in SQLite

You can use the UPPER keyword on your case insensitive field then upper-case your like statement. e.g.

SELECT * FROM mytable 
WHERE caseSensitiveField like 'test%' 
AND UPPER(caseInsensitiveField) like 'G2%'

Use plain comparisons, which are case sensitive by default (unless you have declared the column COLLATE NOCASE):

FROM mytable 
WHERE caseSensitiveField >= 'test'
  AND caseSensitiveField <  'tesu'
  AND caseInsensitiveField LIKE 'g2%'

This works only if the original LIKE is searching for a prefix, but allows using an index.

I know this is an old question, but if you are coding in Java and have this problem this might be helpful. You can register a function that handles the like checking. I got the tip form this post:

The solution i dependent on sqlite jdbc:

In my case I only needed to see if a certain string existed as part of another string (like '%mystring%'), so I created a Contains function, but it should be possible to extend this to do a more sql-like check using regex or something.

To use the function in SQL to see if MyCol contains "searchstring" you would do:

select * from mytable where Contains(MyCol, 'searchstring')

Here is my Contains function:

public class Contains extends Function {

    protected void xFunc() throws SQLException {
        if (args() != 2) {
            throw new SQLException("Contains(t1,t2): Invalid argument count. Requires 2, but found " + args());
        String testValue = value_text(0).toLowerCase();
        String isLike = value_text(1).toLowerCase();

        if (testValue.contains(isLike)) {
        } else {

To use this function you must first register it. When you are done with using it you can optionally destroy it. Here is how:

public static void registerContainsFunc(Connection con) throws SQLException   {
    Function.create(con, Contains.class.getSimpleName(), new Contains());
public static void destroyContainsFunc(Connection con) throws SQLException {
    Function.destroy(con, Contains.class.getSimpleName());

In SQLite you can use GLOB instead of LIKE for pattern search. For example:

SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE caseSensitiveField GLOB 'test*'
AND caseInsensitiveField LIKE 'g2%'

With this approach you don't have to worry about PRAGMA.