Formal alternatives for: "There is not a need"

I am writing a formal technical report and I would like some advice about an expression I want to use. I have a sentence which I want to make more formal:

The merit of their approach is that there is not a need of designing a fusion strategy for the several modalities.

Basically I want to change the ‘there is not a need for’ to something more formal. Any suggestions?

Solution 1:

I want to change the ‘there is not a need for’ to something more formal.

"The merit of their approach is that it circumvents the necessity of designing ..."

circumvent verb: find a way around (an obstacle).

• overcome (a problem or difficulty), typically in a clever and surreptitious way. "I found it quite easy to circumvent security";

synonyms: avoid, get around, get past, evade, bypass, sidestep, dodge; informal duck; "the checkpoints were easy to circumvent"; Google circumvent

Solution 2:

The merit of their approach is that there is not a need of designing a fusion strategy for the several modalities.

In general the determiner "no" can be more concise than a combination of a negated auxiliary and a. In other words There is no need might be more elegant here than "There is not a need". Secondly, the noun need normally takes preposition phrases headed by the preposition for or infinitival clauses. So the Original Poster's sentence might read better thus:

The merit of their approach is that there is no need to design a fusion strategy for the several modalities.