Usage of "go to" vs "go"

Solution 1:

What do you notice that is different between your examples?

Let's go home.

Let's go to your house.

Allow me to give a different example:

Let's go to your home.

Are you seeing it? It's the possessive your. What happens when you throw that possessive in? Home goes from being an adverb (modifying go), to a noun which forms a part of an adverbial prepositional phrase. (I don't believe it fits the definition of the indirect object the going is not happening to the house, but rather toward it. Perhaps I'm wrong here.)

Home is a rare word that forms an adverb in this form.

On its own, your home isn't typically used as an adverbial phrase to modify go. Instead we make it part of the prepositional phrase to your home because it explains the action of going.