CDN that supports custom SSL over custom domain [closed]

SSL is the biggest problem: S3/Cloudfront doesnt support it. Rackspace CloudFiles just told me they will support it in Q2 2011. MaxCDN told me its $299 setup fee and a $299 monthly fee.

Based on MaxCDN i don't even want to try to ask edgecast or similar CDNs.

Does anyone know about a good solution? I think Softlayer does support custom SSL but i couldnt find it in the interface.


Solution 1: is the cheapest i've seen for SSL, here is their ticket response:

Comment By: CacheCentric Our nodes do support SSL, but there's additional charges associated with this: 1) Comodo SSL certificate registration is US$88/year (or US$187 per 3 years). You can also byo certificate for which we charge a one-time $10 install fee whenevr we need to install or update this. 2) There is a monthly fee of US$5 per month per serving location. If you give me an idea of the geographical profile of your traffic, and how much you're looking to spend, I can give you a list of serving nodes that would be most beneficial to choose.

They support reverse proxy also, which is useful...

Solution 2:

You need to separately assess your needs in a) serving content over SSL, and b) having a 'vanity URL' or custom domain as you write (i.e.

There are plenty of cheaper CDN providers who will do SSL on their own domain name, i.e. something like https://<accountid>

A CDN typically has quite many web nodes (webservers), perhaps in separate clusters. When serving HTTPS, each of the webnodes that can be hit with a request for your content must have the certificate installed. That's an essential part of the authentication that SSL provides. Thus the handling all these customer certificates leads to a fair amount of work for the CDN provider, and that tends to be reflected in the price...

Bottom line, I doubt you will find SSL with vanity domains much cheaper than what MaxCDN is quoting you. You could try looking through all the dedicated re-sellers of established CDNs like Akamai, EdgeCast, CDNetworks et cetera. It might yield something, but it will likely take some time.