PriorityQueue not sorting on add

Solution 1:

I guess you expect PriorityQueue to return elements in particular order when you iterate it. However, PriorityQueue doesn't provide such a behaviour, because it's implemented as a priority heap rather than sorted list. From javadoc:

The Iterator provided in method iterator() is not guaranteed to traverse the elements of the priority queue in any particular order. If you need ordered traversal, consider using Arrays.sort(pq.toArray()).

The only guarantee provided by PriorityQueue is that poll(), peek(), etc return the least element. If you need ordered iteration of elements, use some other collection such as TreeSet.

Solution 2:

For anyone looking how to iterate the queue following the order, this can be achieved by using poll or remove.

while (!queue.isEmpty())

while (!queue.isEmpty())

The only diference between poll() and remove(), is that poll returns null when is empty and remove throws a NoSuchElementException.