Is there a verb for "walking with joy"?

Two good friends see each other after many years. They are happy and have a lot to talk about. They are headed towards somewhere together, laughing.

What is the most appropriate single word to describe their joyful walk? I am looking for a verb to replace walk with.

The friends went on a walk with a spring in their step.

spring in one's step

(idiomatic) enthusiasm, energy or a positive outlook or cheerful attitude.


walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort.


a walk at a slow, relaxed pace, especially for pleasure


take a leisurely walk, ride, or drive in public, especially to meet or be seen by others.

Amble probably works best of the 3.



to walk slowly in usually a pleasant and relaxed way

Also skip describes the physical movement, but would indicate the mood. Mostly used for children.