What’s the word for "ninja’d" in publishing things?

I am looking for the word for a situation like this:

Someone is planning to make a big instructional video on how to fold fitted sheets, but just before finishing the big project, someone else uploads their own video about the very same thing, which becomes popular. Then that other popular video has (ninja’d) the other guy.

I’m sure there is a more established word for this than ninja’d, but I just can’t think of what it is. And I’ve been thinking about this in the back of my head for quite a while now.

PS: For those who don’t know what ninja’d is, I apologise, it’s just the best-fitting word for me; per Urban Dictionary.

Solution 1:

In publishing, you'd almost certainly want to consider "Scooped"; Securing or creating important original content only to discover that another person has beaten you to the presses.



Here's the actual definition from the OED

"A piece of news published by a newspaper or broadcast by a television or radio station in advance of its rivals. Reporters at the city's three tabloid papers usually compete for scoops."

Solution 2:

If you'll take a phrase rather than a single word, you can also say the other person stole your thunder. This has much wider application than publishing (two people making verbal presentations at the same meeting, for example), though.

@FumbleFingers, in a comment on the original post here, suggests being beaten to the punch, which also fits really well. (I'll take this out of mine if FumbleFingers puts it in their own answer, I'm just trying to get it where people are more likely to see it).

Another term that is somewhat related would be to say they ate my lunch, which usually (as I have heard it) refers to someone capitalizing on a business opportunity that would likely have been yours had that other person not done so. It doesn't necessarily carry the connotation of beating someone to market, though--mostly I've heard it when a new competitor comes in and gets the business that a larger or more established entity had been getting dependably for years.

Solution 3:

In the world of chess problems, we say that the problem published earlier anticipated the one published later. We may also describe the later one as anticipated.