The right word for someone with a higher rank in military

What is a general word for someone in the military who has a higher rank than someone or a group of people ?

For example someone can be a commander or captain, etc, but when an officer wants to generally address that person and does not know what exactly that person's rank is, what can he/she say ? like "he is my ...."

Solution 1:

Superior ( in rank):

One that surpasses another in rank or quality.

Reporting to a Superior Officer:

When reporting to a superior officer in his or her office, the Cadet, officer, or Soldier removes headgear, knocks, and enters when told to do so, approaches within two steps of the officer’s desk, halts, salutes, and reports, “Sir (Ma’am), Cadet Jones reports.” Hold the salute until your report is complete and the officer has returned your salute. At the end of the report, you salute again, holding the salute until it is returned.