How to convert AnyClass to a specific Class and init it dynamically in Swift?
You can specify the array to be of the common superclass' type, then type deduction does the right thing (Beta-3 syntax):
let classArray: [UIViewController.Type] = [
OneViewController.self, TwoViewController.self
let controllerClass = classArray[index]
let controller = controllerClass.init()
i have found a way to solve this problem:
var controllers:AnyClass[] = [OneViewController.self,TwoViewController.self]
var clz: NSObject.Type = controllers[0] as NSObject.Type
var con = clz()
remember to add @objc in the class of ViewController
An AnyClass
variable must first be casted into a specific type in order to initialize an instance:
// Code checked to run on xCode 7.1.1
import UIKit
var aClass: AnyClass = UIButton.self
// Error: 'init' is a member of the type...
// let doesNotWork = aClass.init()
// aClass must be casted first
var buttonClass = aClass as! UIButton.Type
var oneButton = buttonClass!.init()
var otherButton = buttonClass!.init(frame: CGRectZero)
Here is a pure swift implementation of dynamic class types. It does require the classes to extend the same protocol.
protocol ILayout{ init(_ a:String)}
class A:ILayout{required init(_ a:String)}
class B:ILayout{required init(_ a:String)}
var instance:ILayout
var classType:ILayout.Type
classType = A.self
instance = classType.init("abc")
classType = B.self
instance = classType.init("abc")