How can I write braces, { and }, in Emacs on Mac OS X with a scandinavian keyboard layout?

I can not write { and } in Emacs on my Macbook Air with a Swedish keyboard layout. In all other programs I do this by pressing alt + shift + ( for { and the corresponding keys with ) for }.

How can I type { and } in emacs?

I found the answer on

Unable to type braces and square braces in emacs

(setq mac-option-modifier nil
      mac-command-modifier 'meta
      x-select-enable-clipboard t)

You likely have this problem in all command-line applications and even your shell.

Disable Use Option as Meta key in Terminal » Preferences » Settings » Keyboard.

This might be a problem for you, so other options are key remapping solutions, utility applications like Butler where you can define key sequences and map them on self-defined hotkeys, or changing your keyboard using Ukelele.

I tried fondling with my keypad and found out that ctrl + alt + 8 or 9 works for curly brackets { or }