PING cmd request timed out for all websites but sites are accessible through browsers

ping is not working in my windows7 cmd prompt. but google is accessible via browsers

below is the snap shot

enter image description here

Note: None of the website in pinging.. all requests are timed out

But the same is working fine in all browsers. below is the snapshot.

enter image description here

Note: I am using wireless connection for accessing internet.

Please help me to resolve this issue . Thanks in advance.

Also, below is the output of pathping enter image description here

From the limited information we know about your network setup it appears that something is blocking ICMP requests out. I would take a look at your router and make sure you haven't recently changed a setting to not allow outbound ICMP (which admittedly would be strange) or talk with your provider and see if they are blocking the requests.

I do wonder though if your web browser is working why are you attempting to ping google? Are you having other problems with connectivity (blocked Torrents, FTP, etc?) that may help clarify what is wrong?

It may also help to try a traceroute to see how far that is able to go.


You may be experiencing a commonly faced problem of being able to ping domains by their IP address but not by their domain names. In your original ping to Google, the public address returned was I would attempt to ping that IP first before troubleshooting elsewhere.

If it turns out that you're able to ping IP's but not domain names, you will want to look up more on DNS Resolution.

Having encountered a variety of weird Internet problems similar to yours, I will offer the different methods I use that tend to clear up the issue. My knowledge of why they tend to work is at best intermediate, but they tend to resolve issues:

The order is unimportant, as is doing all of them. Any one or a combination of several of them might do it.

All from the command prompt:

::  resets the ipv4 interface
netsh interface ip reset

:: flush and reregister DNs
ipconfig /flushdns
net stop dnscache
net start dnscache
ipconfig /registerdns

:: clear persistent routes
 route print -f

 :: start / restart mrxdav
 net stop netbt
 net stop mrxdav 2>nul
 sleep 60
 net start mrxdav
 net start netbt

 ::  clean the arpcache
 arp -a -d 
  :: I might have the order of the switches backwards and the order matters, so if that doesnt do anything put the -d before the -a

 :: make sure winhttp and webclient  services are running (this is a mystery to me / neither appear necessary, but both have fixed my problem on various occasions)

 net start webclient
 net start winhttp

Finally if still not fixed, restart router and the restart pc. It won't tell you what is wrong, but it will almost certainly fix the problem.

When pinging add "-4" at last. Like "ping -4"

I know it's been 6 years since the questioned is posted. But this may help others.