Why should I use a puppet parameterized class?

Solution 1:

Parameterized classes are a language construct to help you structure your code better. It prevents you from excessively using global variables (like in your example).

Imagine you included 20 more classes in your node description and all would need some variables being set in the manifest's global or node scope. Also parameterized classes allow you to have default parameters easily, so you could use a default value for the $file_owner instead of having to provide the same value (e. g. larry) in several different places.

Your example snippet (with two additional nodes) could be written as follows:

node 'example.com' { 
  class { bar: }

node 'example.net' {
  class { bar: owner = "harry" }

node 'example.net' {
  class { bar: file_name = "barry.txt" }

class bar($owner = "larry", $file_name = "larry.txt") { 
  class { do_stuff: owner => $owner, file_name => $file_name }

class do_stuff($owner, $file_name) {
  file { $file_name:
    ensure => file,
    owner  => $owner,

With your usage of global variables, you'd need to declare a variable named $owner in each node and you would not be able to overwrite the $file_name variable/parameter per node. Instead you'd need to declare another bar class for each node.

The document on Puppet's language evolution and of course the language guide provide some good examples on how to use parameterized classes and the rationale behind this language construct:

  • http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Development_Language_Evolution#Parameterized+classes
  • http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/language_guide.html#parameterised-classes

Solution 2:

Best way to think about this is to come at it from the beginning instead of starting with already knowing the Puppet idioms.

What you're trying to do in the first place is pass parameters into a class — you're giving it information it needs in order to decide how to behave, just like passing arguments to a function. Say this was perl and you had a function called multiply_squares. You'd call it like multiply_squares(3, 4), not set some global variables to 3 and 4 and then read them from inside the function!

But historically, Puppet code has had to do that with global variables or dynamic scope, because the need to do it arose before the language was designed to do it. Personally, I think once parameterized classes get a bit more evolved and more widely-deployed, they'll basically make variable scope issues a thing of the past, because having the right tool available for the job will eliminate a whole layer of frightening hacks.