Looking for a word that means "a lack of listening skills"

Words like inattentive, distracted, distrait, oblivious come to mind.

Since lack of listening skills as a phrase is broad—there are many ways in which someone can be a poor listener—you might want to just use the phrase itself.

I witnessed a slow transition from awareness and excitement to Wallace's "natural state" - irritable†, discontent, and inattentive‡.

†Note: you may want to change irritability to irritable. Irritability is a noun that is a state of being, while irritable is an adjective that describes a noun's referent; in this case: Wallace's "natural state."

Inattentive (adj.)

  1. Of or pertaining to lack of attention; not paying attention; careless.

He was inattentive in class and did not do well in his exams.


Ignorant (adj.)

  1. Unknowledgeable or uneducated; characterized by ignorance.
  2. (slang) ill-mannered, crude.

Unmindful (adj.)

  1. lacking awareness; oblivious
  2. failing to remember or recognize something; heedless

Close-minded (adj.) [alternately spelled: closed-minded]

  1. unreceptive to new ideas or information; not open to any agreement.