swift case falling through

Does swift have fall through statement? e.g if I do the following

var testVar = "hello"
var result = 0

case "one":
    result = 1
case "two":
    result = 1
    result = 3

is it possible to have the same code executed for case "one" and case "two"?

Yes. You can do so as follows:

var testVal = "hello"
var result = 0

switch testVal {
case "one", "two":
    result = 1
    result = 3

Alternatively, you can use the fallthrough keyword:

var testVal = "hello"
var result = 0

switch testVal {
case "one":
case "two":
    result = 1
    result = 3

var testVar = "hello"

switch(testVar) {

case "hello":

    println("hello match number 1")


case "two":

    println("two in not hello however the above fallthrough automatically always picks the     case following whether there is a match or not! To me this is wrong")



case "one", "two":
    result = 1

There are no break statements, but cases are a lot more flexible.

Addendum: As Analog File points out, there actually are break statements in Swift. They're still available for use in loops, though unnecessary in switch statements, unless you need to fill an otherwise empty case, as empty cases are not allowed. For example: default: break.

Here is example for you easy to understand:

let value = 0

switch value
case 0:
    print(0) // print 0
case 1:
    print(1) // print 1
case 2:
    print(2) // Doesn't print

Conclusion: Use fallthrough to execute next case (only one) when the previous one that have fallthrough is match or not.