Here is my own program folder on my USB drive:


I would like to use run.bat to start Iris.exe

I cannot use this: F:/Program/bin/Iris.exe like a shortcut, because sometimes it does not attach as drive F: (e.g. E: or G:)

What do I need to write in the bat file to work regardless of the drive letter?

I tried this in the BAT file:


But it does not work.

Use this in your batch file:


%~dp0 resolves to the full path of the folder in which the batch script resides.

You can get all the required file properties by using the code below:

FOR %%? IN (file_to_be_queried) DO (
    ECHO File Name Only       : %%~n?
    ECHO File Extension       : %%~x?
    ECHO Name in 8.3 notation : %%~sn?
    ECHO File Attributes      : %%~a?
    ECHO Located on Drive     : %%~d?
    ECHO File Size            : %%~z?
    ECHO Last-Modified Date   : %%~t?
    ECHO Parent Folder        : %%~dp?
    ECHO Fully Qualified Path : %%~f?
    ECHO FQP in 8.3 notation  : %%~sf?
    ECHO Location in the PATH : %%~dp$PATH:?

I have found that %CD% gives the path the script was called from and not the path of the script, however, %~dp0 will give the path of the script itself.

You should be able to use the current directory
