How do you access command line arguments in Swift?

Update 01/17/17: Updated the example for Swift 3. Process has been renamed to CommandLine.

Update 09/30/2015: Updated the example to work in Swift 2.

It's actually possible to do this without Foundation or C_ARGV and C_ARGC.

The Swift standard library contains a struct CommandLine which has a collection of Strings called arguments. So you could switch on arguments like this:

for argument in CommandLine.arguments {
    switch argument {
    case "arg1":
        print("first argument")

    case "arg2":
        print("second argument")

        print("an argument")

In Swift 3 use CommandLine enum instead of Process


let arguments = CommandLine.arguments

Use the top level constants C_ARGC and C_ARGV.

for i in 1..C_ARGC {
    let index = Int(i);

    let arg = String.fromCString(C_ARGV[index])
    switch arg {
    case "this":
        println("this yo");

    case "that":
        println("that yo")

        println("dunno bro")

Note that I'm using the range of 1..C_ARGC because the first element of the C_ARGV "array" is the application's path.

The C_ARGV variable is not actually an array but is sub-scriptable like an array.

Anyone who wants to use the old "getopt" (which is available in Swift) can use this as reference. I made a Swift port of the GNU example in C one can find at:

with a full description. It's tested and fully functional. It doesn't require Foundation either.

var aFlag   = 0
var bFlag   = 0
var cValue  = String()

let pattern = "abc:"
var buffer = Array(pattern.utf8).map { Int8($0) }

while  true {
    let option = Int(getopt(C_ARGC, C_ARGV, buffer))
    if option == -1 {
    switch "\(UnicodeScalar(option))"
    case "a":
        aFlag = 1
        println("Option -a")
    case "b":
        bFlag = 1
        println("Option -b")
    case "c":
        cValue = String.fromCString(optarg)!
        println("Option -c \(cValue)")
    case "?":
        let charOption = "\(UnicodeScalar(Int(optopt)))"
        if charOption == "c" {
            println("Option '\(charOption)' requires an argument.")
        } else {
            println("Unknown option '\(charOption)'.")
println("aflag ='\(aFlag)', bflag = '\(bFlag)' cvalue = '\(cValue)'")

for index in optind..<C_ARGC {
    println("Non-option argument '\(String.fromCString(C_ARGV[Int(index)])!)'")