Old (Leopard) Expose on Snow Leopard (for mac)

I'm amazed this question hasn't been asked here. There are many discussions about it out there and even a way to remove the blue glow. Of course I've already filed my complaint with apple...

Is there a way to have the old expose on Snow Leopard? Or maybe a mix of both.

The only thing I like on the new one is viewing minimized windows, but not always.

I'd prefer just being able to tweak it a little bit, but having the old expose would be fine as well.

Bad Expose

bad expose


Download OriginalExpose and run Install Script.app. That's it.


Ok, summing up, I did my own version of the very good result (the DockHack) out of a macrumors topic, by psid, and I want to share with you guys directly here, as this is a very proper and simple solution.

The only problem is we still need to download the files, which are extracted from a Dock.app remainescent from Snow Leopard beta, that still used the Original Expose from Leopard (and before).

Since there's a file to download anyway, I've added a Install Script to it, which will apply something similar to the following commands below (except it won't move itself anywhere). You can optionally replace "SL-bak" to anything you want to backup your "Snow Leopard" dock to:

mv ~/Download/OriginalExpose ~/
sudo cp -R /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app.SL-bak
sudo cp ~/OriginalExpose/Contents/MacOS/* /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/
sudo cp ~/OriginalExpose/Contents/Resources/* /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/
killall Dock

update: Looks like Lion will have a better expose and I hope this whole post becomes useless after it. But, meanwhile, this still works perfectly fine even with 10.6.8! :)

Good Expose

I can't imagine how this would look on the bad one:

good expose

We cannot use this hack with Montain Lion 10.8, but Apple provides standard OldExpose feature.
