Is it possible to remove/hide Windows title bars?

I'm very used to my Linux desktop, but in my new job I'm forced to use Windows. For efficiency, I'm veeery used to minimize/maximize using keyboard shortcuts and move/resize windows using alt+mouse. Thus, window titlebars and borders are useless, and I can remove them using Compiz.

My question is: is this remotely possible to be done in Windows Vista? I could manage to quite reduce the borders and title font (minimum is still big, 17pt), but the titlebars still bother me. I also found that Win+M minimizes a window, and I think that would help with the shortcuts also.

No, I'm not looking for a way to hide a titlebar when needed, as explained in the said duplicated question "Windows program to remove titlebar, frame, etc from a window?". I want to preferently remove all titlebars and frames, from all windows, at once. Furthermore, AHK is quite hackish, since I need to write a full blown script to make that work. Isn't there any better solutions in Windows? That's the reason of this question.

As a help to understand how I'm used to live, here's a completely normal [reduced] window of my home computer:

window with no title/borders

In XP, Vista, and Windows 7 you can adjust the size of the various window decorations.

In Windows 7, the menu to do so is slightly hidden. Right-click on the desktop, to get

enter image description here

Then select Personalize -> Window Color -> Advanced appearance settings..., to get

enter image description here


As an example, you can reduce the title bar height to 5 pixels, as shown in the snapshot below. I haven't yet discovered how to reduce it to 0 pixels, as requested by the OP. This change also affects parts of the taskbar, which may be a downside.

enter image description here

[Note, you will need to sign-out and sign-in to windows after applying the below changes]

A) Regedit-approach:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\

Also, it has subfolders:

  • Colors (for setting colors)
  • WindowMetrics (for sizes/etc, use. One note (according to this source) is that to set height of any element, like CaptionHeight, you should use this formula: -15 * Desired_Height_in_Pixels. So, if you want 10px height, set 15*10--> 150

B) Using WinAero Tweaker

Also, I've found Win Aero Tweaker ( 3+ million downloads), which has an easy user-interface to set all sorts of things.