Game freezes trying to collect people from wasteland

After the latest update I have some problem collecting dwellers coming back from the wastelands. Basically I click on the dwellers lined up outside and the game HUD disappears, but no dweller sheet comes up. The game is going on, but I cannot do anything, like pan or select any other dweller. The first time this problem occurred to me I closed the game entirely and then the problem was solved, but this second time the issue is not solved this way... I even tried to reboot the phone, with no luck.

Anyone else is experiencing something similar? And what would you try to solve the problem?

I've had this or something similar happen several times myself. The HUD elements all disappear and the game freezes when I try to "Collect" a returned survivor right after loading my game.

I've found that if I swipe from off screen and then press the Android "back/undo" context button it usually resumes the game and then I'm able to click on returning survivors and select "Collect".

On Android - press the back button, then click on the dweller again.

Selecting dwellers will work fine until you close the game.

This bug has been fixed in version 1.2.1