Single line for loop over iterator with an "if" filter?

Silly question:
I have a simple for loop followed by a simple if statement:

for airport in airports:
    if airport.is_important:

and I was wondering if I can write this as a single line somehow.
So, yes, I can do this:

for airport in (airport for airport in airports if airport.is_important):

but it reads so silly and redundant (for airport in airport for airport in airports...).
Is there a better way?

No, there is no shorter way. Usually, you will even break it into two lines :

important_airports = (airport for airport in airports if airport.is_important)
for airport in important_airports:
    # do stuff

This is more flexible, easier to read and still don't consume much memory.

You could do:

for airport in filter(lambda x: x.is_important, airports):
    # do stuff...

I'd use a negative guard on the loop. It's readable, and doesn't introduce an extra level of indentation.

for airport in airports:
    if not airport.is_important: continue
    <body of loop>

Mabe this, but it's more or less the same verbose...

import itertools

for airport in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x.is_important, airports):