Are there words with positive connotations used to describe atheists or other non-religious people? [closed]

Solution 1:

Given the nature of this particular subject matter it’s difficult for me to conceive of any term describing a lack of theistic belief which would not carry some negative or disparaging connotation for one who professes theistic or religious belief. In like manner, any term describing theistic or religious belief would tend to have a negative or uncomplimentary connotation for those who find such professions “unreasonable.”

That said, for me, the term “rationalism” and the related noun “rationalist,” are as neutral or non-disparaging as is conceivable.

rationalism noun

  1. A belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response: “scientific rationalism.” see Oxford Dictinaries rationalism

Solution 2:

Are there any words with positive connotations that can be used to describe non-religious people?

These people could describe themselves as Empiricists:


A person who supports the theory that all knowledge is based on experience derived from the senses:

Since the fundamental dispute between agnostics and religionists is about the veracity of knowledge that transcends scientific observation, it makes sense for agnostics to define themselves at the cutting edge of the discussion.

Empiricists challenge the transcendent notion of God.

Solution 3:

Humanist is a term used by some.


  • a system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion. (M-W)