What is the equivalent of an Objective-C id in Swift?

I'm trying to use an @IBAction to tie up a button click event to a Swift method. In Objective-C the parameter type of the IBAction is id. What is the equivalent of id in Swift?

Solution 1:

Swift 3

Any, if you know the sender is never nil.

@IBAction func buttonClicked(sender : Any) {
    println("Button was clicked", sender)

Any?, if the sender could be nil.

@IBAction func buttonClicked(sender : Any?) {
    println("Button was clicked", sender)

Swift 2

AnyObject, if you know the sender is never nil.

@IBAction func buttonClicked(sender : AnyObject) {
    println("Button was clicked", sender)

AnyObject?, if the sender could be nil.

@IBAction func buttonClicked(sender : AnyObject?) {
    println("Button was clicked", sender)