How can I maximize my FOB's farmability?

Solution 1:

I am not too big on how the actual ranking of the soldiers they get and the points work, but I do know a couple of things about the guards and traps.

Are non-lethal defenses easier to breach than lethal?

NO. Non-lethal is more difficult than lethal. From my experience, this is for two reasons:

  • Guards get free gas masks when you set them to non-lethal
  • Resisting nonlethal attacks is all around harder for the player -- lethal weapons typically don't impede your movement, and life regenerates faster than your stamina or psyche or whatever it is.

What weapon range sucks hardest?

I would have to say middle range. Long range gives them sniper rifles, which are powerful. Short range gives them shotguns, which are also powerful. Assault rifles and machineguns are the least threatening of those options.

I don't know if setting more traps adds to the value of the soldiers players get for infiltrating your FOB, but the least threatening traps are the decoys, obviously. Claymores are also pretty easy to avoid -- for me, anyway, some people just have a tragic lack of observational skill.