How to prevent burst photos in camera timer?

The only way to stop burst mode during timer photos is to turn the flash On. When the flash is On the camera will only take 1 picture.

My recommendation is to provide feedback to Apple here and let them know how you feel about this limitation.

When you take pictures with a timer it is very possible you won't like the first shot, so iPhones take 10 shots for you to choose the one you like the best. Once you take the picture, open the picture, click the "select" option at the bottom, select the picture you prefer with a check mark and click done. The iPhone will only save that picture you prefer. Not bad right?

I've sent this message to Apple:

Subject: Allow setting a camera timer without Burst mode

Dear Sir/Madam,

The 3 or 10 second camera timer is very useful in many instances. Those include instances where Burst mode is not required. Unfortunately, there is no way to turn off Burst mode when you use the camera timer.

There are two workarounds:

  • Set flash to On.
  • Set HDR to On.

Besides the annoyance of having to turn on one of those every time, there are many instances where neither flash nor HDR is required. So these are not acceptable workarounds either.

Hopefully, it becomes possible to turn off Burst mode when you use the camera timer.

Feel free to use this as a template.