Alternative File Managers on Mac OS X [closed]

I've tried, and really disliked Path Finder. The major thing was it seemed very slow compared to Finder. And the UI is somewhat overwhelming, though some features like the stack are very helpful. Additionally, much prefer dual-pane management which Path Finder didn't do when I tried it.

I then used to use muCommander, which is really nice, and honestly didn't have any problems with it being a Java app other than the UI being different. I think the muCommander developers have done a great job, but then I tried Forklift...

Forklift does everything I want and more, it is very fast and core features and OS X integration are solid; though remember it is still a V1.x product.. What particular Find functionality are you missing — it currently does a spotlight search, allowing search by name, kind, extension etc:

enter image description here

Do you want more power? If so, then V2 will include a regex recursive search tool as well as the Spotlight search:

Others to try:

  • XFile — the demo was horribly limited so gave up on it...
  • Leap — has a great tagging UI, uses Open Meta
  • XFolders

Disk Order seems to have been made in the goal to make a "Total Commander for Mac". Haven't tried it, though.

Note that this is not a freeware (but Total Commander wasn't either, finally)

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