How do you import classes in JSP?
Use the following import statement to import java.util.List
<%@ page import="java.util.List" %>
BTW, to import more than one class, use the following format:
<%@ page import="package1.myClass1,package2.myClass2,....,packageN.myClassN" %>
FYI - if you are importing a List into a JSP, chances are pretty good that you are violating MVC principles. Take a few hours now to read up on the MVC approach to web app development (including use of taglibs) - do some more googling on the subject, it's fascinating and will definitely help you write better apps.
If you are doing anything more complicated than a single JSP displaying some database results, please consider using a framework like Spring, Grails, etc... It will absolutely take you a bit more effort to get going, but it will save you so much time and effort down the road that I really recommend it. Besides, it's cool stuff :-)
In the page tag:
<%@ page import="java.util.List" %>
In case you use JSTL and you wish to import a class in a tag page instead of a jsp page, the syntax is a little bit different. Replace the word 'page' with the word 'tag'.
Instead of Sandman's correct answer
<%@page import=""%>
<%@tag import=""%>