How does true/false work in PHP?

Solution 1:

This is covered in the PHP documentation for booleans and type comparison tables.

When converting to boolean, the following values are considered FALSE:

  • the boolean FALSE itself
  • the integer 0 (zero)
  • the float 0.0 (zero)
  • the empty string, and the string '0'
  • an array with zero elements
  • an object with zero member variables (PHP 4 only)
  • the special type NULL (including unset variables)
  • SimpleXML objects created from empty tags

Every other value is considered TRUE.

Solution 2:

Because I've visited this page several times, I've decided to post an example (loose) comparison test.


""         -> false
"0"        -> false
"0.0"      -> true
"1"        -> true
"01"       -> true
"abc"      -> true
"true"     -> true
"false"    -> true
"null"     -> true
0          -> false
0.1        -> true
1          -> true
1.1        -> true
-42        -> true
"NAN"      -> true
0          -> false
NAN        -> true
null       -> false
true       -> true
false      -> false
[]         -> false
[""]       -> true
["0"]      -> true
[0]        -> true
[null]     -> true
["a"]      -> true
{}         -> true
{}         -> true
{"t":"s"}  -> true
{"c":null} -> true

Test code:

class Vegetable {}

class Fruit {
    public $t = "s";

class Water {
    public $c = null;

$cases = [
    (float) "NAN",
    new stdClass(),
    new Vegetable(),
    new Fruit(),
    new Water(),

echo "<pre>" . PHP_EOL;

foreach ($cases as $case) {
    printf("%s -> %s" . PHP_EOL, str_pad(json_encode($case), 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT), json_encode( $case == true ));


  • When a strict (===) comparison is done, everything except true returns false.
  • an empty string ("") is falsy
  • a string that contains only 0 ("0") is falsy
  • NAN is truthy
  • an empty array ([]) is falsy
  • a container (array, object, string) that contains a falsy value is truthy
    • an exception to this is 0 in "" (see the third item)

Solution 3:

Zero is false, nonzero is true.

In php you can test more explicitly using the === operator.

if (0==false) 
    echo "works"; // will echo works

if (0===false) 
    echo "works"; // will not echo anything

Solution 4:

The best operator for strict checking is

if($foo === true){}

That way, you're really checking if its true, and not 1 or simply just set.