Disable submit button on form submit

Do it onSubmit():

    $(this).find(':input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', true);

What is happening is you're disabling the button altogether before it actually triggers the submit event.

You should probably also think about naming your elements with IDs or CLASSes, so you don't select all inputs of submit type on the page.

Demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/userdude/2hgnZ/

(Note, I use preventDefault() and return false so the form doesn't actual submit in the example; leave this off in your use.)

Specifically if someone is facing problem in Chrome:

What you need to do to fix this is to use the onSubmit tag in the <form> element to set the submit button disabled. This will allow Chrome to disable the button immediately after it is pressed and the form submission will still go ahead...

<form name ="myform" method="POST" action="dosomething.php" onSubmit="document.getElementById('submit').disabled=true;"> 
     <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" id="submit"> 

Disabled controls do not submit their values which does not help in knowing if the user clicked save or delete.

So I store the button value in a hidden which does get submitted. The name of the hidden is the same as the button name. I call all my buttons by the name of button.

E.g. <button type="submit" name="button" value="save">Save</button>

Based on this I found here. Just store the clicked button in a variable.

    var submitButton$;

    $(document).on('click', ":submit", function (e)
        // you may choose to remove disabled from all buttons first here.
        submitButton$ = $(this);

    $(document).on('submit', "form", function(e)
        var form$ = $(this);
        var hiddenButton$ = $('#button', form$);
        if (IsNull(hiddenButton$))
            // add the hidden to the form as needed
            hiddenButton$ = $('<input>')
                .attr({ type: 'hidden', id: 'button', name: 'button' })
        hiddenButton$.attr('value', submitButton$.attr('value'));
        submitButton$.attr("disabled", "disabled");

Here is my IsNull function. Use or substitue your own version for IsNull or undefined etc.

function IsNull(obj)
    var is;
    if (obj instanceof jQuery)
        is = obj.length <= 0;
        is = obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined' || obj == "";

    return is;