Program to convert a laptop into a USB storage

I usually have problems doing networks between two computers I have. My intention is to pass files from one to the other. I was wondering if there is any simple and easy program to install that gives me the option to connect the two computers through a USB wire and to access from one computer to the other like if one of the two computers were a simple USB mass storage.

Cool idea. I would think it'd be easier to connect them via a ethernet cable and setup file sharing on the file you want to share (assuming you're using two OSs that support CIFS shares). That's easy in windows and OS X.

I'll explain more if that'd be helpful, but I won't go into more detail yet since it doesn't directly answer your Q.

As Blackbeagle noted in his comment, you could use a special USB cable:

The Easy Transfer Cable is a USB 2.0 device which is used to connect two computers together. The connectors are both USB-A male connectors to connect to each PC, but the cable also has a small box in the middle which contains the needed electronics and chipset to allow the two connected computers to communicate with each other, and keeps the two computers connected electronically continuous (a direct USB-A to USB-A cable between each computer should not be used due to a short circuit risk).

However. If you were able to post this question to superuser, chances are you would be better served just using Ethernet.

Note that, with Ethernet, if both Windows PCs use DHCP, plugging them together should "just work", and all you have to do to reference files on the other PC is open a folder on it like: \\other-pc\c$\path-to-my-files. You shouldn't even need to set up a shared drive, since you probably will have all user credentials handy anyway.