Adding port forwardings programmatically on a ControlMaster SSH session

Solution 1:

That's quite simple, actually. Simply add the ctl_cmd -O forward to your existing command, thus:

ssh -M -L5555:localhost:22 remotehost


ssh -O forward -M -L5555:localhost:22 remotehost

The ssh man page discusses the -O ctl_cmd option:

-O ctl_cmd
        Control an active connection multiplexing master process.  When the -O option is
        specified, the ctl_cmd argument is interpreted and passed to the master process.
        Valid commands are: “check” (check that the master process is running), “forward”
        (request forwardings without command execution), “exit” (request the master to
        exit), and “stop” (request the master to stop accepting further multiplexing

This, of course, assumes you've either enabled ControlMaster yes in your ~/ssh/config file or -M on the command line.