How to uninstall Windows 8?

I do not want to dual-boot, I want my PC to solely run Ubuntu. How can I do this? I've tried everything and it just won't work.

I am currently running Windows 8 and want to run Ubuntu 12.10. I've tried to install and run GParted, and it won't run. I've also tried uninstalling Ubuntu (actually, I restored my system to default, since I have all my files backed up on my server) and then loading it via USB. I'm at my wits end here! Please help.

You don't need to "uninstall" Windows.

I assume you're installing Ubuntu using a USB stick.

  1. Boot off of the stick, and when it presents this screen:

    enter image description here

  2. Select the Install Ubuntu option. Then, in the partitioning step:

    enter image description here

  3. Select the option to Replace Windows with Ubuntu. The Ubuntu installer will then overwrite your Windows installation, and set up Ubuntu's bootloader (GRUB) to boot into Ubuntu.

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