Anbox on 19.10 - claims kernel modules are missing

Solution 1:

Same error here today, my system:

$ uname -a
Linux ntg-pc 5.3.0-26-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 18 05:37:46 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

One thing I've noticed is that although modprobe works ok, only /dev/ashmem is created...

sudo modprobe ashmem_linux
$ sudo modprobe binder_linux
$ lsmod | grep -e ashmem_linux -e binder_linux
2:ashmem_linux           20480  0
3:binder_linux          163840  0
$ ls -alh /dev/binder /dev/ashmem
ls: cannot access '/dev/binder': No such file or directory
crw------- 1 root root 10, 53 Jan 21 19:10 /dev/ashmem

Solution 2:

The kernel modules are there, but /dev/binder isn't—because that's not the way the binder_linux module works, now. morphis however consider it not a bug, because they have a pull request to make anbox work with the current binder_linux module. As far as I can tell, you should be able to make it work with the "edge" channel of the snap. I.e.,

sudo snap install --devmode --edge anbox

but my experience with snaps is non-existent