What is the "drive level/low space" warning threshold for Windows 7?

What is the limit for the theshold for Windows 7 to trigger a "low space" warning? (here indicated by the red bar) and is it customiseable? I think it is 10% but I am not sure and can't find any definitive result/answer.

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Solution 1:

It appears that it's 10%. And apparently there is no way to change it.

Solution 2:

Free space thresholds

[The] meter under the drive icon in My Computer uses a very simple algorithm: A drive is drawn in the warning state when it is 90% full.

Source: How full does a hard drive have to get before Explorer will start getting concerned?

According to my tests, the free space meter will consider the disk or partition almost full when the used space/total capacity ratio (rounded up to two decimal places) is higher or equal to 0.91.

The low disk space notification is more complex:

Windows 7 implements a timer to poll the available disk space every 10 minutes while it is running. This would be any fixed or external hard drives (USB, eSATA, 1394/FireWire). When this polling occurs, Windows 7 will pop up with a notification at the following thresholds:

  • Free space less than 200 MB
  • Free space less than 80 MB
  • Free space less than 50 MB
  • Free space equals zero

Windows 7 does not poll Zip Drives, Floppies or any other "removable" media drives.

Source: The low disk space notification message might be delayed up to 10 minutes in Windows 7

All the threshold values are hard-coded, and can't be customized.