MySQL concatenating all columns

Solution 1:

To concatenate all columns in a table, you can't use the * keyword, but you need to explicitly list all columns:

SELECT CONCAT(col1, col2, col3, ....)
FROM yourtable

or you might want to use CONCAT_WS that will skip null values:

SELECT CONCAT_WS(',', col1, col2, col3, ....)
FROM yourtable

If you don't want to specify all column names manually, you could use a dinamic query. This query will return all column names of your table:

SELECT `column_name` 
FROM   `information_schema`.`columns` 
WHERE  `table_schema`=DATABASE() 
       AND `table_name`='yourtable';

and using GROUP_CONCAT you can obtain a list of all column names:

GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('`', column_name, '`'))

quoted, in a comma separated format:


so now we have all the elements to create our query dinamically:

    'SELECT CONCAT_WS(\'\',',
    GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('`', column_name, '`') ORDER BY column_name),
    ') AS all_columns FROM yourtable;')
FROM   `information_schema`.`columns` 
WHERE  `table_schema`=DATABASE() 
       AND `table_name`='yourtable'
INTO @sql;

this query will set the @sql string to something like:

SELECT CONCAT_WS('', col1, col2, col3, ....) AS all_columns FROM yourtable

and this code will execute it:

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

Please see fiddle here.