Does OS X support linux-like features? [closed]

Solution 1:

I'm a software developer who routinely work on linux and OSX machines machines using the command line, often over SSH. They're nearly identical.

I run Bash on both for my shell. Nearly all the command line tools work on both. All the tools you mention are the same on either.

Solution 2:

Yes, Mac OS X is built on top of a Darwin UNIX foundation. You will find most commands from your Linux installation are available in OS X, including all of the ones you've listed. The purchase is up to you.

Solution 3:

OS X is based on Darwin, which is a POSIX-compliant BSD derivative. It supports many of the same features as Linux with regards to command line tools, but does certain other things differently such as X handling and low-level capabilities. Also, be aware that any reputation for stability that OS X may have is based on Apple hardware, whereas Linux can run on a much wider variety of machines.

As for "is OS X what I need?", that's hardly for anyone but yourself to decide.