Windows 10 - how to disable windows auto update, while using deepfreeze?

We use deepfreeze, which is a software for cybercafe, public locations to allow the user to use the PC but on reboot it clean everything and goes back to our old stable setup.

Now that windows 10 finally arrived and using deepfreeze is making life complicated.

Windows 10 only allow to modify the windows updates in following options:

00000002 (Notify for download and notify for install)
00000003 (Auto download and notify for install)
00000004 (Auto download and schedule the install)

enter image description here

Now when i select 00000004 and let it install, after every reboot all the updates become a nightmare to handle and erase by deepfreeze.

How can we finally have the old method of disable windows update in 10 please? (we cant remove/stop using our decades of stable/reliable deepfreeze software)

Solution 1:

Your only real option to disable Windows Updates is through Group Policy but that's a huge IF, as you need the Professional Edition. Not all editions of Windows allows this. Also, there's a lot of security updates being sent out, so you're missing out on those.

If I'm not mistaken, Deep Freeze won't let you schedule updates which in our school district was a huge pain. We moved over to Drive Vaccine. We're able to schedule updates and it installs to the baseline (equivalent to the 'Frozen State') so you may want to look into that if handling updates is important to you.