psybnc on nas: ncurses problem
Solution 1:
With a help of my FRIEND, I finally know what's happend.
First of all ncurses-dev need to be installed on NAS if you want to compile any package who have dependencies, you need headers of those dependencies and ncurses-dev packages have them
ipkg install ncurses-dev
then go edit Makefile in you source directory and add CFLAGS like this:
CCFLAGS = -I/opt/include -I/opt/include/ncurses
this path is path of header files you need, that's why autoconf tools couldn't find them. but you need to put cflags to gcc as param, because autotools ingnores overrided variables...
so I just opened Makefile and added $(CCFLAGS) like param and that's it, now it works!!
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) menuconf/menuconf.c menuconf/inputbox.c menuconf/util.c menuconf/checklist.c menuconf/menubox.c menuconf/textbox.c src/snprintf.c -I. -lncurses -lm -o menuconf/menuconf