Thread-safe cache libraries for .NET

I know your pain as I am one of the Architects of Dedoose. I have messed around with a lot of caching libraries and ended up building this one after much tribulation. The one assumption for this Cache Manager is that all collections stored by this class implement an interface to get a Guid as a "Id" property on each object. Being that this is for a RIA it includes a lot of methods for adding /updating /removing items from these collections.

Here's my CollectionCacheManager

public class CollectionCacheManager
    private static readonly object _objLockPeek = new object();
    private static readonly Dictionary<String, object> _htLocksByKey = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    private static readonly Dictionary<String, CollectionCacheEntry> _htCollectionCache = new Dictionary<string, CollectionCacheEntry>();

    private static DateTime _dtLastPurgeCheck;

    public static List<T> FetchAndCache<T>(string sKey, Func<List<T>> fGetCollectionDelegate) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        List<T> colItems = new List<T>();

        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            if (_htCollectionCache.Keys.Contains(sKey) == true)
                CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sKey];
                colItems = (List<T>) objCacheEntry.Collection;
                objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
                colItems = fGetCollectionDelegate();
                SaveCollection<T>(sKey, colItems);

        List<T> objReturnCollection = CloneCollection<T>(colItems);
        return objReturnCollection;

    public static List<Guid> FetchAndCache(string sKey, Func<List<Guid>> fGetCollectionDelegate)
        List<Guid> colIds = new List<Guid>();

        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            if (_htCollectionCache.Keys.Contains(sKey) == true)
                CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sKey];
                colIds = (List<Guid>)objCacheEntry.Collection;
                objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
                colIds = fGetCollectionDelegate();
                SaveCollection(sKey, colIds);

        List<Guid> colReturnIds = CloneCollection(colIds);
        return colReturnIds;

    private static List<T> GetCollection<T>(string sKey) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        List<T> objReturnCollection = null;

        if (_htCollectionCache.Keys.Contains(sKey) == true)
            CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = null;

            lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
                objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sKey];
                objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;

            if (objCacheEntry.Collection != null && objCacheEntry.Collection is List<T>)
                objReturnCollection = CloneCollection<T>((List<T>)objCacheEntry.Collection);

        return objReturnCollection;

    public static void SaveCollection<T>(string sKey, List<T> colItems) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord

        CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = new CollectionCacheEntry();

        objCacheEntry.Key = sKey;
        objCacheEntry.CacheEntry = DateTime.Now;
        objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
        objCacheEntry.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
        objCacheEntry.Collection = CloneCollection(colItems);

        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            _htCollectionCache[sKey] = objCacheEntry;

    public static void SaveCollection(string sKey, List<Guid> colIDs)

        CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = new CollectionCacheEntry();

        objCacheEntry.Key = sKey;
        objCacheEntry.CacheEntry = DateTime.Now;
        objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
        objCacheEntry.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
        objCacheEntry.Collection = CloneCollection(colIDs);

        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            _htCollectionCache[sKey] = objCacheEntry;

    public static void UpdateCollection<T>(string sKey, List<T> colItems) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            if (_htCollectionCache.ContainsKey(sKey) == true)
                CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sKey];
                objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
                objCacheEntry.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                objCacheEntry.Collection = new List<T>();

                //Clone the collection before insertion to ensure it can't be touched
                foreach (T objItem in colItems)

                _htCollectionCache[sKey] = objCacheEntry;
                SaveCollection<T>(sKey, colItems);

    public static void UpdateItem<T>(string sKey, T objItem)  where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            if (_htCollectionCache.ContainsKey(sKey) == true)
                CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sKey];
                List<T> colItems = (List<T>)objCacheEntry.Collection;

                colItems.RemoveAll(o => o.Id == objItem.Id);

                objCacheEntry.Collection = colItems;

                objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
                objCacheEntry.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

    public static void UpdateItems<T>(string sKey, List<T> colItemsToUpdate) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            if (_htCollectionCache.ContainsKey(sKey) == true)
                CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sKey];
                List<T> colCachedItems = (List<T>)objCacheEntry.Collection;

                foreach (T objItem in colItemsToUpdate)
                    colCachedItems.RemoveAll(o => o.Id == objItem.Id);

                objCacheEntry.Collection = colCachedItems;

                objCacheEntry.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
                objCacheEntry.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

    public static void RemoveItemFromCollection<T>(string sKey, T objItem) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            List<T> objCollection = GetCollection<T>(sKey);
            if (objCollection != null && objCollection.Count(o => o.Id == objItem.Id) > 0)
                objCollection.RemoveAll(o => o.Id == objItem.Id);
                UpdateCollection<T>(sKey, objCollection);

    public static void RemoveItemsFromCollection<T>(string sKey, List<T> colItemsToAdd) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            Boolean bCollectionChanged = false;

            List<T> objCollection = GetCollection<T>(sKey);
            foreach (T objItem in colItemsToAdd)
                if (objCollection != null && objCollection.Count(o => o.Id == objItem.Id) > 0)
                    objCollection.RemoveAll(o => o.Id == objItem.Id);
                    bCollectionChanged = true;
            if (bCollectionChanged == true)
                UpdateCollection<T>(sKey, objCollection);

    public static void AddItemToCollection<T>(string sKey, T objItem) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            List<T> objCollection = GetCollection<T>(sKey);
            if (objCollection != null && objCollection.Count(o => o.Id == objItem.Id) == 0)
                UpdateCollection<T>(sKey, objCollection);

    public static void AddItemsToCollection<T>(string sKey, List<T> colItemsToAdd) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            List<T> objCollection = GetCollection<T>(sKey);
            Boolean bCollectionChanged = false;
            foreach (T objItem in colItemsToAdd)
                if (objCollection != null && objCollection.Count(o => o.Id == objItem.Id) == 0)
                    bCollectionChanged = true;
            if (bCollectionChanged == true)
                UpdateCollection<T>(sKey, objCollection);

    public static void PurgeCollectionByMaxLastAccessInMinutes(int iMinutesSinceLastAccess)
        DateTime dtThreshHold = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(iMinutesSinceLastAccess * -1);

        if (_dtLastPurgeCheck == null || dtThreshHold > _dtLastPurgeCheck)

            lock (_objLockPeek)
                CollectionCacheEntry objCacheEntry;
                List<String> colKeysToRemove = new List<string>();

                foreach (string sCollectionKey in _htCollectionCache.Keys)
                    objCacheEntry = _htCollectionCache[sCollectionKey];
                    if (objCacheEntry.LastAccess < dtThreshHold)

                foreach (String sKeyToRemove in colKeysToRemove)

            _dtLastPurgeCheck = DateTime.Now;

    public static void ClearCollection(String sKey)
        lock (GetKeyLock(sKey))
            lock (_objLockPeek)
                if (_htCollectionCache.ContainsKey(sKey) == true)

    #region Helper Methods
    private static object GetKeyLock(String sKey)
        //Ensure even if hell freezes over this lock exists
        if (_htLocksByKey.Keys.Contains(sKey) == false)
            lock (_objLockPeek)
                if (_htLocksByKey.Keys.Contains(sKey) == false)
                    _htLocksByKey[sKey] = new object();

        return _htLocksByKey[sKey];

    private static List<T> CloneCollection<T>(List<T> colItems) where T : IUniqueIdActiveRecord
        List<T> objReturnCollection = new List<T>();
        //Clone the list - NEVER return the internal cache list
        if (colItems != null && colItems.Count > 0)
            List<T> colCachedItems = (List<T>)colItems;
            foreach (T objItem in colCachedItems)
        return objReturnCollection;

    private static List<Guid> CloneCollection(List<Guid> colIds)
        List<Guid> colReturnIds = new List<Guid>();
        //Clone the list - NEVER return the internal cache list
        if (colIds != null && colIds.Count > 0)
            List<Guid> colCachedItems = (List<Guid>)colIds;
            foreach (Guid gId in colCachedItems)
        return colReturnIds;

    #region Admin Functions
    public static List<CollectionCacheEntry> GetAllCacheEntries()
        return _htCollectionCache.Values.ToList();

    public static void ClearEntireCache()


public sealed class CollectionCacheEntry
    public String Key;
    public DateTime CacheEntry;
    public DateTime LastUpdate;
    public DateTime LastAccess;
    public IList Collection;

Here is an example of how I use it:

public static class ResourceCacheController
    #region Cached Methods
    public static List<Resource> GetResourcesByProject(Guid gProjectId)
        String sKey = GetCacheKeyProjectResources(gProjectId);
        List<Resource> colItems = CollectionCacheManager.FetchAndCache<Resource>(sKey, delegate() { return ResourceAccess.GetResourcesByProject(gProjectId); });
        return colItems;


    #region Cache Dependant Methods
    public static int GetResourceCountByProject(Guid gProjectId)
        return GetResourcesByProject(gProjectId).Count;

    public static List<Resource> GetResourcesByIds(Guid gProjectId, List<Guid> colResourceIds)
        if (colResourceIds == null || colResourceIds.Count == 0)
            return null;
        return GetResourcesByProject(gProjectId).FindAll(objRes => colResourceIds.Any(gId => objRes.Id == gId)).ToList();

    public static Resource GetResourceById(Guid gProjectId, Guid gResourceId)
        return GetResourcesByProject(gProjectId).SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == gResourceId);

    #region Cache Keys and Clear
    public static void ClearCacheProjectResources(Guid gProjectId)
    {            CollectionCacheManager.ClearCollection(GetCacheKeyProjectResources(gProjectId));

    public static string GetCacheKeyProjectResources(Guid gProjectId)
        return string.Concat("ResourceCacheController.ProjectResources.", gProjectId.ToString());

    internal static void ProcessDeleteResource(Guid gProjectId, Guid gResourceId)
        Resource objRes = GetResourceById(gProjectId, gResourceId);
        if (objRes != null)
        {                CollectionCacheManager.RemoveItemFromCollection(GetCacheKeyProjectResources(gProjectId), objRes);

    internal static void ProcessUpdateResource(Resource objResource)
        CollectionCacheManager.UpdateItem(GetCacheKeyProjectResources(objResource.Id), objResource);

    internal static void ProcessAddResource(Guid gProjectId, Resource objResource)
        CollectionCacheManager.AddItemToCollection(GetCacheKeyProjectResources(gProjectId), objResource);

Here's the Interface in question:

public interface IUniqueIdActiveRecord
    Guid Id { get; set; }


Hope this helps, I've been through hell and back a few times to finally arrive at this as the solution, and for us It's been a godsend, but I cannot guarantee that it's perfect, only that we haven't found an issue yet.

It looks like the .NET 4.0 concurrent collections utilize new synchronization primitives that spin before switching context, in case a resource is freed quickly. So they're still locking, just in a more opportunistic way. If you think you data retrieval logic is shorter than the timeslice, then it seems like this would be highly beneficial. But you mentioned network, which makes me think this doesn't apply.

I would wait till you have a simple, synchronized solution in place, and measure the performance and behavior before assuming you will have performance issues related to concurrency.

If you're really concerned about cache contention, you can utilize an existing cache infrastructure and logically partition it into regions. Then synchronize access to each region independently.

An example strategy if your data set consists of items that are keyed on numeric IDs, and you want to partition your cache into 10 regions, you can (mod 10) the ID to determine which region they are in. You'd keep an array of 10 objects to lock on. All of the code can be written for a variable number of regions, which can be set via configuration, or determined at app start depending on the total number of items you predict/intend to cache.

If your cache hits are keyed in an abnormal way, you'll have to come up with some custom heuristic to partition the cache.

Update (per comment): Well this has been fun. I think the following is about as fine-grained locking as you can hope for without going totally insane (or maintaining/synchronizing a dictionary of locks for each cache key). I haven't tested it so there are probably bugs, but the idea should be illustrated. Track a list of requested IDs, and then use that to decide if you need to get the item yourself, or if you merely need to wait for a previous request to finish. Waiting (and cache insertion) is synchronized with tightly-scoped thread blocking and signaling using Wait and PulseAll. Access to the requested ID list is synchronized with a tightly-scopedReaderWriterLockSlim.

This is a read-only cache. If you doing creates/updates/deletes, you'll have to make sure you remove IDs from requestedIds once they're received (before the call to Monitor.PulseAll(_cache) you'll want to add another try..finally and acquire the _requestedIdsLock write-lock). Also, with creates/updates/deletes, the easiest way to manage the cache would be to merely remove the existing item from _cache if/when the underlying create/update/delete operation succeeds.

(Oops, see update 2 below.)

public class Item 
    public int ID { get; set; }

public class AsyncCache
    protected static readonly Dictionary<int, Item> _externalDataStoreProxy = new Dictionary<int, Item>();

    protected static readonly Dictionary<int, Item> _cache = new Dictionary<int, Item>();

    protected static readonly HashSet<int> _requestedIds = new HashSet<int>();
    protected static readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _requestedIdsLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();

    public Item Get(int id)
        // if item does not exist in cache
        if (!_cache.ContainsKey(id))
                // if item was already requested by another thread
                if (_requestedIds.Contains(id))
                    lock (_cache)
                        while (!_cache.ContainsKey(id))

                        // once we get here, _cache has our item
                // else, item has not yet been requested by a thread
                        // record the current request

                        // get the data from the external resource
                        #region fake implementation - replace with real code
                        var item = _externalDataStoreProxy[id];

                        lock (_cache)
                            _cache.Add(id, item);
                        // let go of any held locks
                        if (_requestedIdsLock.IsWriteLockHeld)
                // let go of any held locks
                if (_requestedIdsLock.IsUpgradeableReadLockHeld)

        return _cache[id];

    public Collection<Item> Get(Collection<int> ids)
        var notInCache = ids.Except(_cache.Keys);

        // if some items don't exist in cache
        if (notInCache.Count() > 0)
                var needToGet = notInCache.Except(_requestedIds);

                // if any items have not yet been requested by other threads
                if (needToGet.Count() > 0)
                        // record the current request
                        foreach (var id in ids)


                        // get the data from the external resource
                        #region fake implementation - replace with real code
                        var data = new Collection<Item>();
                        foreach (var id in needToGet)
                            var item = _externalDataStoreProxy[id];

                        lock (_cache)
                            foreach (var item in data)
                                _cache.Add(item.ID, item);

                        // let go of any held locks
                        if (_requestedIdsLock.IsWriteLockHeld)

                if (requestedIdsLock.IsUpgradeableReadLockHeld)

                var waitingFor = notInCache.Except(needToGet);
                // if any remaining items were already requested by other threads
                if (waitingFor.Count() > 0)
                    lock (_cache)
                        while (waitingFor.Count() > 0)
                            waitingFor = waitingFor.Except(_cache.Keys);

                        // once we get here, _cache has all our items
                // let go of any held locks
                if (_requestedIdsLock.IsUpgradeableReadLockHeld)

        return new Collection<Item>(ids.Select(id => _cache[id]).ToList());

Update 2:

I misunderstood the behavior of UpgradeableReadLock... only one thread at a time can hold an UpgradeableReadLock. So the above should be refactored to only grab Read locks initially, and to completely relinquish them and acquire a full-fledged Write lock when adding items to _requestedIds.

I implemented a simple library named MemoryCacheT. It's on GitHub and NuGet. It basically stores items in a ConcurrentDictionary and you can specify expiration strategy when adding items. Any feedback, review, suggestion is welcome.