Xcode continuous integration provisioning profile error

I had the same problem and finally managed to make it work.

First of all, I added my server to my developer team but I had the same error as you.

Then I copied my key from user keychain to system keychain as indicated here but it was still not enough.

And finally, I copied the provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ to /Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ (in fact I copied all the MobileDevice directory because it didn't exist).

And now, I have a working continuous integration giving me an ipa which I can download on my Mac or install over the air on my devices.

I don't know why I had to do this, but I hope it will work for you too.

I had the same problem since switching to Xcode 5. My solution was different.

Since the error message said "Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID xxxxxx", I checked the file containing my build setting (myproject.xcodeproj/projecjt.pbxproj).

There I found a line with exactly that UUID. After deleting the line (of course a made a backup of the file first), everything worked again.

Hi I had the same issue and the problem was I had the certificates in my login keychain and the build script was looking in System keychain. I copied the certificate in system key chain also and now Xcode was able to use the provisioning profile for the build

after searching how to solve this problem , after spending 1 whole day in front of my keyboard , looking through all pages and ideas how to solve this i actually found something interesting out.

Something came on my mind mentioned (edit YOU_APP.xcodeproj). So I SOLVED THIS:

  1. Go to your project folder
  2. Right click on YOU_APP.xcodeproj and choose Show Package Contents
  3. Edit project.pbxproj with (for example TextMate2 or somethig like this)
  4. NOW Attention. I found everything where this UUID (wrong UUID) will be displayed and just replaced with my i created and have been using for several time. I replaced 13 times.
  5. done. Just compile and thats it.

You will not believe but it worked after spending a lot of time. =)

I kept searching the net for the past few weeks trying to establish Continuous Integration through Jenkins & when failed through OS X Server Bots, both failed with the same exact issue.

Copying the Provisioning Profiles from "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/" to "/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/" was the only key.

Just two points to take care off :-

1-If you are using OS X Lion, take care that your ~/Library folder will not appear in Finder as it is set as invisible; Please refer to http://www.macworld.com/article/1161156/view_library_folder_in_lion.html to see it.

2-Don't bring the provisioning profile on your own (e.g. download it from MemberCenter or so, ... ) just copy the profiles exiting in your ~/Library/...; their naming is different; they are all named by the UUID, e.g.3D19E524-9E2A-45C2-942C-F30AC3ACF0CC*.mobileprovision*