How can I make it never rain? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there is no command to permanently prevent rain.

The first solution would be a commandblock with a clock setting the weather to clear.

A way cleaner (though not ultimately permanent) approach would be to use /weather clear 1000000 which would set the weather to clean for one million seconds (about 11.6 real time days).

Combining these two (e.g. put a daylight sensor on top of a commandblock executing the command should solve the problem. - And would be way less lag intensive than a normal redstone clock.) Just make sure the commandblock and its trigger are placed anywhere near your spawn or bed so it's probable you visit the place at least once every within 11.6 days.

Solution 2:

You can download optifine, (You can turn of rain with it, and it's not cheaty). Download optifine.

You could also turn off particles in the game settings.

If you have commands enabled, then you can hook up a command block (Get command blocks with /give @p minecraft:commmand_block) with /weather clear 100000 to a redstone clock. I hope I helped!