Alternate phrase for "I would be happy to" [closed]

I had an interview at a company 5 weeks ago. I received feedback that they "liked" me but need to interview a couple of additional candidate. I am going to send them an email to let them know I am still interested and that I can be available to meet with them again. However, I would really appreciate some thoughts on another/better way to express the second part of this sentence since I have already used that phrase previously in the email.

"As you progress in your hiring process, I would be happy to meet again to further discuss my fit with your firm and to get better acquainted."

Specifically, what are some different ways to say "I would be happy to meet again?"

Solution 1:

Although it's just a preference, "I would be happy to" sounds a little passive to me.

Use something like: "I'm excited about the position and look forward to speaking with you again."


"I know I would be great at this job, and I can't wait to talk to you more about my ideas / my work ethic / my general awesomeness" (whatever you think they're looking for).

Or even:

"I'll contact you on Wednesday at 9:00am after your other interviews are complete, and we can discuss why I would still be the best candidate."

Solution 2:

There are several alternatives available. Find something that fits you.

As you progress in your hiring process, I look forward to further discussing my fit with your firm and getting better acquainted.

As you progress in your hiring process, I earnestly hope we can get better acquainted and further discuss my fit with your firm.

Solution 3:

I think your answer is clear, polite, and conveys exactly what you mean. In a more formal context, I would suggest:

  • Should you be interested in further discussing my experience and interests, don't hesitate to call me for a second interview.

Solution 4:

  • I would be glad to meet with you again.

  • I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you again.

  • I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you again.