Android NDK build, Method could not be resolved

Solution 1:

After some struggling with preferences, I finally found a solution. This is a bug in NDK plugin which was reported to AOSP but not yet fixed. A past of the answer is described in comment #50. Here is the sequence which worked our for me.

  1. Open Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Chan Editor
  2. In the section Used Tools replace Android GCC Compiler with GCC C Compiler. If section is empty, just add GCC C Compiler entry in there. enter image description here
  3. Open Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols and add directories, where your h-files to be included are located. Use Move up button to add a folder with your local includes (/AudioPlayer/jni in my case) to the first place. Then add platform and toolchains includes. Built-in includes should stay at the very bottom. enter image description here In my case the full paths to the toolchain includes were like below. These are built-in paths of original Android GCC Compiler toolchain, which we have replaced at step 2.

  4. Press OK button, clean and re-build the project. All errors must go away. If they stay, try to remove them from Problems view and re-build project once again.

Update: I have found another place, where you can add paths to include files. However it appears to be Eclipse version dependent. Project Settings -> C/C++ General -> Processor Include Paths, Macros etc. -> CDT User Settings Entries -> Add. After I added the paths listed above, there is no compilation issues anymore. Development is fun again.