How can I see a page's referrer in Chrome?

Solution 1:

Paste this code into the address bar:



open Developer Tools (F12) and type document.referrer in the console.

Solution 2:

  1. In the Developer Tools, go to the Network view (if it wasn't open when you loaded the page, you'll need to reload to get it populated).
  2. Click on the main page request -- it should be at the top of the list.
  3. When you click, the right pane will probably show the HTML for it.
  4. Click on the "Headers" tab on the right side.

The Referer is shown in the list of Request Headers.

Solution 3:

There was a bug in Chrome where the browser would not send the Referer header if you right-clicked a link and selected "Open link in new tab".

This was fixed in Chrome 13.

Solution 4:

Right click -> Inspect element -> Console -> write "document.referrer"

This property will be unset some times when the traffic is direct.