Software that reduces blue light from monitor [duplicate]

I recently had an eye appointment, and the optometry student who saw me told me that, for my next pair of glasses, I should get lenses with "blue blocker" material. There is some (scant) evidence that blue light from computer monitors causes macular degeneration over time.

Prescription lenses with blue blocker look ugly, IMO, so I opted not to get the blue blocker in my lenses.

At the same time, I don't want to lose my eyesight if I can avoid it.

Are there software solutions available in Ubuntu for turning off or substantially reducing blue light emitted from my monitor -- at the particular wavelengths that have been shown to harm eyes?

Solution 1:

You may achieve this without installing any extra application if you're using GNOME. Newer versions (> 3.24) of GNOME come with a feature called Night Light to be found under Settings > Displays.

Solution 2:

I have searched for the same and tried,

  1. iris mini - Works well but its not free and need to buy license to change any settings. Not available in default repositories
  2. f.lux - Just flickers sometimes and then goes back to normal color temperature after a while or may be I felt so. Didn't see too much of a difference. Not available in default repositories
  3. Redshift - It's the easiest to configure of all and I can notice a good difference in terms of color temperature and strain on eyes.

Was able to install with just

sudo apt-get install redshift redshift-gtk

Buy the way, I tried all the above on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Solution 3:

I used f.lux on Windows, it is available for linux too, but it is not opensource so you won't find it in repository.

Redshift is opensource and you should be able to find it in repos.

There are others, but I didn't try them - G.lux, iris mini.

Solution 4:

You can use software like redshift, but it does not have automated timezones and sun flowing capabilities. If you don't like it, you can try installing fluxgui.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/flux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fluxgui

(note I have only tried it once, and I give no guaranty of seamless use)