How can I push a Git repository to a folder over SSH?

Solution 1:

The command is correct; however, the remote address must point to an initialized Git repository too. It's a one-time job, though.

ssh user@host "git init --bare /mnt/foo/bar/my-project.git"

(In Git, a "bare" repository is one without a working tree.)

Solution 2:

If you want to both push to the repo and have the files update on the server, you can create a server-side git hook to checkout the files after they've been pushed. In the server side git /hooks/ directory create a file named post-receive and add the following code (updating the directories to match your folder structure):

git --work-tree=/var/www/ --git-dir=/var/repo/site.git checkout -f

Then give the file proper permissions using chmod +x post-receive

More info & a detailed explanation here: