How to download Chrome extensions for installing on another computer?

A computer I use does not have access to the website.

I wish I could download the plugin and then use the file to install it, but the only option I have is to install. The plugin is downloaded to a temporary folder with a random name, and I'm not able to identify it.

Solution 1:

Ok. I just found out that the accepted answer's method is not working. It was actually working a few months back. So, when I came here to copy the link (I had forgotten) I found that its not working. Here's what I did to get the CRX file.

Note: You will need the Chrome Extensions's ID for this. I am referring it to as $ID$. You can get the $ID$ from the URL of the Chrome Extension page.

  1. Go to Chrome's Extensions page (chrome://extensions/)

  2. Enable the developer mode (check the developer mode box)

    enter image description here

  3. Click on the "Pack extension" button. Give the "Extension root directory" as:

a. Unix, ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/$ID$

b. Windows, C:\Users\<Your_User_Name>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\$ID$

c. OSX, ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/$ID$

Leave the "Private Key" field blank" and click "Pack extension".

You will find the .CRX file in the same directory as ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/$ID$ (or other respective directories for Windows and OS X)

(Note: The .CRX file is just a .ZIP file. If all you want to do is to extract extension after getting it, you can just find the unpacked extension at <previous folder>/Extensions/$ID$ you don't need to follow above steps. You would need to follow above steps only if you specifically need the .CRX file)

Solution 2:

Or just use to download a chrome extension easily.

Solution 3:

I've wondered how to do this too. I found this blog article that has the solution (I edited it to bring it up-to-date):

  1. Find the ID of the extension you’re interested in. When on the details page of the extension, it will be something like
    2. Paste this into Firefox (not Chrome):
    and replacing ~~~~ with the extension ID. 3. You’ll be prompted to save a CRX file. Drag this file to a Chrome window and proceed with installation