Eclipse not showing Pydev in Preferences

After installing Eclipse and python I am not able to see Pydev on eclipse. When I try to install eclipse again it is showing as duplicate location.

it seems that you installed pydev with wrong version. remember check your java version(by typing java -version in console). if it says 1.6.X, then you should NOT check "Show only the latest versions of available softerware" option in the first popup window after "Help->Install New Software" clicked. by uncheck that option, you will see a long list versions of pydev, pick 2.8.2. it will work well with your current java version. btw, if your java version is above 1.7, pydev's version should be above 3.0.

good luck!

  1. Dowload Newest Eclipse
  2. Follow this guide to install pydev plugin:
  3. open"preference" and search "pydev"


You can use "Aptana Studio"

Try "Help/Install New Software..." and instead of putting pydev link put this one which is Aptana Studio that has pydev.

I've tried "Help/Install New Software..." quite a few times with but it haven't brought pydev into life. Eclipse would complain that pydev has been installed, but still would call gedit for .py files and there's no pydev in Window/Prefferences. I was already going to switch to something else, like PyCharm, but then gave it a try with Aptana Studio and i got my PyDev installed.